University Research - Unicusano

University Research

The Niccolò Cusano University produces research in several fields of technical-scientific disciplines, mainly: Physics and Astronomy, Engineering, Computer Science, Materials Science, Energy, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Social Sciences.


In particular, in the medical-scientific field, the ‘Fondazione Università Niccolò Cusano per la Ricerca medico-scientifica’ is dedicated to biomedical and diagnostic research for the treatment of rare diseases. Since April 2012, the Foundation has been supporting and financing the research activities of the Bambino Gesù Hospital on Long QT Syndrome (LQTS), a genetically-based arrhythmogenic disease characterised by a prolongation of the QT interval (ventricular repolarisation) on the electrocardiogram and the risk of life-threatening arrhythmias.


To date, fourteen genes involved in the disease have been identified. The goal is to achieve through research the modification of the altered gene in Long QT Syndrome and, therefore, its definitive cure.


The Niccolò Cusano University Foundation has set up a medical-scientific research centre within the university complex; a laboratory equipped for biomedical research in which substantial investments have been made in human resources and technologically advanced machinery.
Protocollo di sostenibilità sociale

Research funding is a key expenditure item for Unicusano, in terms of development, prestige and excellence at national and international level.


In a mechanism of shared governance, coordination between European, national and regional interventions foster the conditions for transforming knowledge into human and social capital.


Regional and national funding

National funding for scientific and technological research is mainly provided by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MIUR), the National Research Council (CNR), public bodies and other ministries (of Productive Activities, of Economy and Finance, of Health).

The main ones are:

  • PRIN – Research Projects of National Interest
  • POR-FESR– Operational Programme Lazio Region European Funds
  • It is divided into four strategic intervention priorities called Axes, which aim at

Strengthening the competitiveness of the production system through the promotion of research, innovation and technology transfer.


Guarantee the conditions for environmental sustainability by preserving and enhancing natural, cultural and landscape resources to improve the quality of life and attractiveness of the territory.


Promoting integrated and sustainable mobility and an inclusive knowledge society for greater efficiency in the Lazio system.


Enable an effective and efficient implementation of the Programme.


Promotes the economic, social and environmental revitalisation of urban centres.

  • PNR – National Research Programme
  • SIR – Scientific Independence of young Researchers- programme designed to support young researchers in the start-up phase of their independent research activities

European and international funding

The ‘EU programmes’ also known as the ‘thematic programmes’ of the European Union are funds that are managed and disbursed directly by the European Union and are allocated on the basis of set objectives for the period in question.

They are multi-annual funding related to the different policy areas of the European Union. Thematic programmes are financed from the general budget of the European Union, and are managed directly by the various relevant Directorates-General of the European Union.

One of the main characteristics of this type of funding is the transnational dimension, according to which projects must be implemented in partnership with at least two organisations from two different Member States.

Development policy is at the heart of the EU’s external policies, and today it works with some 160 countries worldwide.

The primary objective of EU development policy – EDF (Fund) – is the eradication of poverty. Other objectives include defending human rights and democracy, promoting gender equality and addressing environmental and climate challenges. The EU is the world’s leading development donor.

Legal basis: Base giuridica
Articolo 21, paragrafo 1, del trattato sull’Unione europea (TUE): mandato generale e principi guida nell’ambito della cooperazione allo sviluppo dell’Unione europea.
Articolo 4, paragrafo 4, e articoli da 208 a 211 del trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea (TFUE).
Accordo di Cotonou (per quanto riguarda gli Stati dell’Africa, dei Caraibi e del Pacifico (ACP)) e vari accordi bilaterali di associazione (a norma dell’articolo 217 del TFUE): accordi specifici di cooperazione.

The three pillars:

  • Excellence Science
  • European Research Council

Frontier research by the best individual teams (ERA)

  • Future and Emerging Technologies

Collaborative research to open up new fields of innovation

  • Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions

Opportunities for training and career development

  • Research Infrastructures (Including e-infrastructure

Ensuring access to world-class facilities

Competitive Industries

  • Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnologies materials, biotechnologies, manufacturing
  • Space
  • Access to risk finance

Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation

  • Innovation in SMEs

Fostering all forms of innovation all types of SMEs

Societal Challenge

  • Health, demographic change and wellbeing
  • Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, and the bio-economy
  • Secure, clean and efficient energy
  • Smart, green and integrated transport
  • Climate Action, resource efficiency and raw materials
  • Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative, reflective societies
  • Secure Societies

Further programmes, promoted by other European Institutions and Commission Directorates-General (DG Environment; DG Enterprise and Industry; DG Health and Consumer Affairs, etc.) contribute to broadening the spectrum of possibilities for scientific research in specific areas. Examples in the area of politics, socio-economics and law include:

National and International Projects Office

Ref. Dr. Laura Pecetta
