Master's Degree in Economics (LM - 56) Curriculum Management and Business Professions - Unicusano

Master’s Degree in Economics (LM – 56) Curriculum Management and Business Professions

Master’s Degree in Economics Curriculum Management and Business Professions – the Course in Brief

The graduate in Economics Curriculum Management and Business Professions possesses a high mastery of economic logic, statistical and business tools and the principles and institutes of the legal system indispensable for the conduct of economic activity. Completing the preparation, the transmission of linguistic skills that allow the fluent use, in written and oral form, of at least one language of the European Union in addition to Italian, with reference also to disciplinary lexicons, and the performance of internships and training stages at credit institutions, companies, public administrations and national or supranational private organizations.

Bachelor of Science in Economics Online.

The online Master of Science in Economics degree program is the ideal solution for all students, making it possible to earn this university degree even for those who are unable to attend a traditional university because they are far from home or for professional reasons.

Through Unicusano’s e-learning platform, it will be possible to take classes in the online economics degree program in telematics mode, study on computer media from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, and then take exams at the nearest location. Thanks to the quality of the teaching and locations throughout Italy, Unicusano is now the best choice for those who wish to pursue an online bachelor’s degree in economics.

Professional profile and expected occupational and professional outlets for graduates in economics

Specialists in financial activities-management-control

Function in a business setting:

The Master of Science in Economics graduate possesses a background suitable for roles essentially, but not exclusively, in the managerial field such as executives, managers and clerical staff. Possible occupations include those related to the careers of:

  • financial activities specialist;
  • specialist in accounting;
  • management specialist in public administration;
  • management and control specialist in private enterprises;
  • labour organization specialist;
  • specialist in business administration.

Skills associated with the function:

The Master’s Degree in Economics enables the graduate to acquire economic, administrative-managerial, financial and legal skills aimed at understanding the reality in which private and public enterprises operate.

In particular, the graduate in economics possesses advanced skills in business economics, in the managerial disciplines of marketing and finance, in commodities, in international economics and finance, in economic and financial statistics (for the collection, processing, management and monitoring and analysis of statistical data useful for descriptive and forecasting purposes in the various business fields) and in business law.

Employment outlets:

The master’s degree graduate in Economics, can hold professional positions related to the specific skills acquired, with particular reference to the following figures:

  • specialist in financial activities;
  • specialist in accounting;
  • specialist in management in public administration;
  • specialist in management and control in private enterprises;
  • specialist in labour organization;
  • specialist in business administration.

The occupational prospects of the recalled professions find a place mainly in national, international and also smaller public and private enterprises and institutions. The course also makes it possible to develop a freelance profession in the business and financial field. The course makes it possible to participate in the competition for the regulated profession of chartered accountant in compliance with current regulations.

The master’s course in economics prepares for the profession of (ISTAT codes)

  • Management and control specialists in private enterprises – (
  • Labour organization specialists – (
  • Specialists in accounting – (
  • Specialists in financial activities – (

Knowledge required for access

Access to the Master’s Degree in Economics requires a bachelor’s degree in classes L-18 or L-33.

Access to the Master’s Degree in Economics may also include those who hold a bachelor’s degree in other classes, or another degree obtained abroad that is recognized as suitable, or a degree related to the former four-year system, provided that they possess the following curricular requirements, referring to knowledge of the basic disciplines in the fields of economics, business, mathematics – statistics and law: – at least 12 credits in SSD SECS-P/01 and/or SSD SECS-P/02 – at least 9 credits in SSD SECS-P/07 – at least 6 credits in SSD IUS/01 – at least 6 credits in SSD IUS/04 – at least 6 credits in SSD SECS-S/01 or SECS-S/03 – at least 6 credits in SSD SECS-S/06

Any educational deficiencies, with respect to the prescribed curricular requirements, must be filled prior to the start of the course of study and verification of individual preparation, so that courses can be taken with profit. Verification of the adequacy of the student’s personal preparation is planned, with modalities that will be defined in the didactic regulations of the course of study. To access to the Master’s Degree Course, a verification of knowledge of the English language is planned, which must be at least level B 1; for the courses delivered in English, knowledge of the language must be at least level B2.

Methods of Admission

The University’s order of studies has as one of its primary objectives both to enable students to carry out the university course of study within the legal time frame and to enable graduate students to be able to practice their chosen profession in the shortest possible time. To achieve these goals, it is also necessary that the initial knowledge of students enrolling at the university be as stipulated in the individual Teaching Regulations of the Courses of Study. In this regard, the aforementioned Didactic Regulations provide information about the basic knowledge required to profitably approach the chosen Course of Study.


In the case of coming from a Bachelor’s Degree Class that does not guarantee direct access to the Master’s Degree Course, at the time of the application, the possession of specific credits obtained in the scientific disciplinary fields, congruent with the Class of the Master’s Degree for which admission is requested, as resulting from the certificate of examinations taken in the Bachelor’s Degree is verified. In the case of evidence of non-possession of all the credits required by the Didactic Regulations of the Master’s Degree Program in Economic Sciences, the applicant for enrolment must carry out curricular integration, up to the completion of the required credits, in the manner indicated in the Didactic Regulations of the Master’s Degree Program in Economic Sciences.


In addition to the curricular requirements listed above, admission to the Master of Science in Economics degree program requires the student to:


  • know the essentials of business economics with reference to accounting, management and organizational aspects;
  • know and be able to use the basic tools of statistics;
  • know the basic elements of political economy and financial science; and
  • know the basics of business and corporate law.


The procedures for admission and verification of the adequacy of personal preparation and the curricular requirements that must be possessed for admission to the Master’s Degree Course are established by the University, with procedures defined in the Didactic Regulations of the Course, which provide for verification through an online test carried out on the University’s e-learning platform.


Specific educational objectives of the Master’s Degree Course in Economics and description of the educational pathway

The Master’s Degree Course in Economics aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge in the fields of economics, business, mathematical-statistical and legal sciences, obtained through a combination of teaching and professionalizing activities that enable them to address economic and business issues from an integrated perspective; the result must be as complete a knowledge as possible of the tools necessary to understand and critically discuss problems of a conceptual and applicative nature concerning economic systems and the activities of companies.

The design logic of the course of study in economic sciences is to harmonize, through a process of integration, the different disciplines related to economic, business, mathematical-statistical and legal issues, with the aim of dealing in a correct and interdisciplinary manner with the different situations found in operational reality.

The fundamental purpose of the degree program in economics, consistent with the design logic, therefore, is to provide students with the necessary skills to be able to operate consciously in the different areas, often very different from each other, but traceable to the possibility of profitably combining economic knowledge with business, mathematical-statistical and legal knowledge.

The presence in the characterizing activities of various teachings, including those pertaining to the fields of Political Economy (SECS-P/01), Economic Policy (SECS-P/02), Finance Science (SECS-P/03), Economic History (SECS-P/12), Economic-Political Geography (M-GGR/02), Business Economics (SECS-P/07), Economics of Financial Intermediaries (SECS-P/11) and Economic Statistics (SECS-S/03), confirms this orientation.

A fundamental element of the project turns out to be the interaction between the educational objectives and the world of work, with the aim of providing adequate theoretical and practical knowledge that can offer students various job opportunities particularly in the public and private economic sectors, in the study offices of territorial bodies, in national and international research bodies, in public administration and in the sphere of liberal professions of an economic nature.

This interaction is connected to the educational course that includes not only the passing of the profit examinations provided by the Degree Course but also the performance of professionalizing activities (such as internships, stages and other activities) in enterprises, organizations and companies, and/or the deepening of knowledge of the English language, and/or the perfecting of computer skills; the aim is to enable students to deepen their economic knowledge and skills so as to approach and profitably enter the world of work through the support of the university institution.

The course concludes with the writing of a written paper, which must contain elements of originality, developed in a discipline of particular interest to the learner under the supervision of the lecturer in charge of the teaching.

Expected Learning Outcomes.

Knowledge and understanding skills

The master’s degree graduate in Economic Sciences Management and Business Professions possesses advanced knowledge in the field of economics and business disciplines with reference to business planning, management control and the tools and methodologies of quantitative business determination, accounting and budgeting, marketing management, as well as advanced legal knowledge for the conduct of business. He/she knows the fundamentals of micro and macroeconomic analysis and methodologies for economic policy analysis as well as global economic-geographic differences. In particular, the graduate possesses knowledge and ability to understand:

  • Of the purposes and techniques of managerial-analytical accounting and the principles, characteristics, operating methods and purposes of statutory auditing as well as techniques and professional ethics;
  • of the operation of accounting recognition of the typical operating events of companies and extraordinary transactions in the life of the company;
  • of the analytical, strategic and operational marketing management necessary for the development and support of business initiatives;
  • of the fundamentals of corporation, bankruptcy and economic law to regulate a given economic activity subject to reservation of law, as well as knowing the indices that require the cessation of an economic activity;
  • of the main determinants of international trade and the role of this phenomenon on the welfare of an economy; of the main macroeconomic phenomena at the international level;
  • Of the main geographical theories, in political economy, contextualized in the various stages of evolution of political economic debate

The international context in which the degree is placed makes it necessary to have a strong command of foreign languages. For this reason, graduates will enhance English language proficiency and gradually improve to a level equal to at least B2 with specific reference to Business. English for Business or the Spanish language.

The Master of Science in Economics graduate possesses advanced knowledge in the area of business economics disciplines with reference to planning, management control, company accounting and budgeting, and production management.

The graduate also acquires specific skills in economics and knows the fundamentals of micro- and macroeconomic analysis and methodologies for economic policy analysis. He or she is able to understand the dynamics of markets and government intervention in the economy as well as the evolving framework of economic thought. The graduate also possesses specific skills in statistics that enable him or her to understand issues related to quantitative analysis and the interpretation of the results of quantitative surveys, especially with reference to the dynamics of financial markets and firms.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding

The knowledge and understanding skills listed above are achieved through student participation in teaching activities such as listening to pre-recorded lectures, participation in face-to-face and videoconference lectures, interactive teaching with self-tests that allow reflection on the work done, and the implementation of study projects on topics chosen by the lecturer, on which to compare themselves to improve their knowledge of the subjects; with the support of an adequate amount of time devoted to personal study.

Verification of the achievement of learning outcomes is through oral and/or written examinations in which the student must demonstrate mastery of tools and methodologies.

Specifically, the graduate achieves the ability to apply knowledge and understanding including:

  • applying knowledge to the most recurring problems related to financial statements and the control of business management as well as;
  • apply methods for analysing and reviewing financial statements and assessing the economic value of the company as well as developing an analysis of the same
  • use knowledge of the basic elements of marketing in the development of a marketing plan and analysis of business cases;
  • trace a given business to the categories learned in commercial, corporation and bankruptcy law;
  • analyse from a geographical perspective some issues in contemporary dynamics;

Making Judgements

Master of Economics graduates must be able to integrate knowledge and manage complex situations; therefore, they must have acquired an interdisciplinary background that can enable them to appropriately combine basic knowledge and manage environmental complexity. They have a systemic view of analytical tools and methods to critically understand business behaviour.

Autonomy of judgment is also acquired through the activities provided for in the educational system and accrued within the credits assigned for business contact activities. Graduates must have the ability to bring knowledge together within complex operational problems, acquiring during the course of their training critical capacity and autonomy of judgment in evaluations and decisions. This last is developed mainly through exercises and professionalizing activities, also carried out in groups, as well as by stimulating classroom adversarial debate on specific case studies. This ability finds full realization in the elaboration of the final thesis, which constitutes its verification tool, and in the performance of professionalizing activities, also in ways other than internship; the achievement of the relevant credits constitutes the way in which the expected results are verified.


Communication skills

Master’s graduates in economics must be able to communicate clearly and interact with the world of business, work and the professions. These skills are acquired during the course of education, both in the preparation of exams and in specific training activities; they are significantly developed in the preparation and presentation of reports and documents. Moreover, the acquisition of the same takes place through the activity carried out by the student for the writing of the final thesis and its discussion. Verification of the achievement of learning outcomes takes place mainly during oral and/or written examinations and as part of the development of the thesis.

Learning skills

Master’s degree graduates in economics should have acquired the skills specific to the disciplines of economics. They should have skills in:

  • study independently and self-manage;
  • independently deepen and self-update their knowledge;
  • identify appropriate training tools and paths to achieve the goals described in the previous point.

Learning skills are stimulated throughout training, with special emphasis on individually developed study, through the development of individual and group projects. The latter are the result of the solicitations of the professors of the individual teachings addressed to originate project proposals to be elaborated on topics of particular interest of the discipline and/or the Degree Course; in this context, the activity carried out for the elaboration of the thesis is also included. Verification of the achievement of learning outcomes occurs mainly during oral and/or written examinations and as part of the elaboration of the thesis.

Final Examination

The final examination for the degree of Master of Science in Economics is conducted through a public discussion of the undergraduate student on the contents of his or her thesis, which consists of a large paper (usually not less than 120 pages), the result of the candidate’s personal in-depth work on a topic agreed upon with a reference lecturer (Supervisor). The final paper is given a value of 14 credits.

The student chooses in agreement with the Rapporteur the topic of the thesis as well because of his or her professional aspirations after graduation. The in-depth work for the thesis may be done partly abroad or within an internship or apprenticeship activity. The dissertation may also be written and discussed in a foreign language with the permission of the Supervisor.

The public discussion takes place before the Degree Committee, with the introduction of the Rapporteur with the possible scientific support of a Co-Rapporteur. The Degree Committee is composed of at least three members, appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, from among the professors who teach courses pertaining to the course of study, or, in case of teaching needs, from among the professors of other course of study. The Chairman of the Degree Committee is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty.

The Degree Committee evaluates the student’s dissertation and discussion of the thesis, assigning the final paper, in total, from 0 to 10 points, according to the following criteria:


  • 8 to 10 points: original and experimental thesis, capable of reaching an excellent argumentative level, the result of a full and constant collaboration between the candidate and the Rapporteur; it is accompanied by a well-articulated bibliography, as well as a punctual apparatus of footnotes;
  • 5 to 7 points: thesis that proposes an original theme and is carefully carried out on the argumentative level, the fruit of a direct and dialogically open relationship with the Rapporteur; also accompanied by a precise and functional bibliographical apparatus and explanatory footnotes;
  • 3 to 4 points: compilative thesis, which deals with a topic in appropriate language; bibliography and footnotes compiled to the required minimum standards;
  • 0 to 2 points: dissertation with an unoriginal topic, carried out in a compilative manner and with critical language only partially appropriate to its object of study, the result of a non-intensive collaboration with the Rapporteur; also equipped with a bibliography and footnotes reduced to the essential minimum.

The points awarded by the Committee are in addition to the basic score consisting of the weighted average of the profit examinations expressed as one hundred and ten/hundred and ten.

The final grade with which the Master’s Degree in Economic Sciences is awarded is expressed in one hundred and ten/hundred and ten, a score to which may be added on the proposal of the Rapporteur and by unanimous resolution of the Commission, praise and, possibly, the dignity of printing which, however, does not imply the printing of the paper.

List of teachings

Management and business professions

class LM-56

Class of master’s degrees in economic sciences




First year

General and applied accounting II






Professional technique and ethics – Del Santo – Vetrano



Finance science – advanced course



History of economic thought



Business law – advanced course



Economic and political geography



Second year

Economic and financial statistics



International Economics and Finance



Quantitative business methodologies and determinations



Business Auditing



Additional language skills (English for Business or Spanish Language)



Student’s choice of subject






Final Examination